Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Business is personal

When they say "it is not personal, it is just business" be prepared. Something is up. Get real! All business is personal. That is why the culture of the business matters. That is why people report leaving a job not because of the company but because of their manager.

So why would you use a generic invitation for someone to connect with you on LinkedIn?
Impersonal Network Requests. A generic “I’d like to invite you to join my professional network” request does not create a warm, personal connection or give the receiver any reason to accept your invite. It conveys that you couldn’t be troubled to wrote a sentence or two. Worse, the receiver might not even remember who you are!  Every request should be customized, reminding the receiver of your past connection and a positive association. It only takes a few seconds and goes a long way towards building a strong connection.

Read more of the posting here

And the next time you connect with someone on LinkedIn, make your request personal. After all it is business!

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