Thursday, February 3, 2011

Put your best voice forward

Just in from my run this morning. I spent time on the run reviewing interview best practices. (Yes, I am wired like that). One thought in particular came to mind. It recalled the study done about communication and what percent of conversation is text (about 7 percent) with 15-23 percent tone of voice and the remainder body language

Anyway, in order to take advantage of our natural body tendencies, I would recommend doing phone screen interviews blind folded. Yes, you read that right. Blind folded. Recall that when you go into the dark, when you are blind folded your body is more aware of your surroundings. Your other senses tune up because sight (your major input) is not longer available.

By taking the phone interview blind folded, you can focus on the conversation solely with your hearing. You'll be more aware of their text and tone of voice. You'll be less distracted by your own surroundings. 

You shouldn't need them, You are the expert on what you have done and how you can do it. 

You should be able to focus on the voice of the person on the other end of the line and glean as much information as possible while putting your own best foot (in this case voice) forward.

If you are looking for work and want to explore how to use social media in your search, consider applying for a free ticket to PodCamp WesternMA.

How do I get one of those tickets?
Send an email to Steve (shersteve at gmail dot com) and state your case:

Clearly and concisely, explain what you have been doing as part of your job search and how participating in PodCamp would help your effort.

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