Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goals / New Year's Resolutions

Hello Everyone, 

Now that we are in the winter months, if the Hopkinton schools are cancelled on the day of our meeting then we do not meet; however, if there is a delay, then we do meet. Even if the schools are not closed, if the weather is bad, it is best to stay home then risk an accident.

The agenda for this Friday's Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) meeting will be featured by a slide presentation and a networking exercise. The facilitator for this week will be Gil Krispien. We will devote the first hour to the following agenda: Welcome, Landings, Announcements, New Member Intros, and Needs & Leads. Important Note: Please make a serious, concerted effort to arrive before 10:00 AM. We are going to start the meeting on time at 10:00 AM. In the second hour, Gil will show a number of slides showing the Hopkinton Networkers Group 2014 Summary, and this will be followed by a networking exercise of Goals / New Year's Resolutions.

Hopkinton Networkers Group 2014 Summary

This will be a brief slide show summarizing the significant statistics occurred during the 2014 year of the group. This will include attendance, total money collected, expenses, gifts to St. John's church, landings, HNG fund, and proposed gifts to St. John's for 2015.

Goals / New Year's Resolutions

The objective is to commit to two goals / New Year's Resolutions to be completed by February 6, 2015, which is the first HNG meeting in February. Since there are five weeks until the first meeting in February, it would be beneficial to list one goal / resolution for each week for a total of five, in the event there is difficulty achieving a goal then there are others to commit too. If you only list two, then you need to commit to those two.

As you enter the meeting, please pick up the sheet of paper on the table on which you can enter your goals, and there are examples listed on the sheet to help you. 

At our HNG meeting on February 6th, we will review the two committed goals, and if a goal was not achieved, we will want to know why. We will record these reasons and have a speaker to address these reasons on how to alleviate them at a future meeting.

Needless to say this will be a multi-purpose networking exercise, not only committing to achieve two goals, but also learning from others why goals were not achieved, and finally having a speaker to help and show us how to achieve goals in a timely manner. This is a small part of what networking is all about.

Recap of HNG Meeting of December 19, 2014:

Our 136th meeting had 23 people, this is eleven less than the previous meeting; one signed the New Member list. William Lam was our facilitator. There was one introduction speech. 

We had speaker, Grace Carcich, who talked about "How to Significantly Increase Your Energy During the Job Search."

It was a dynamic learning experience where each received many time–tested methods to increase his/her energy triple-fold. This interactive seminar assisted each in gaining more energy, thinking outside the box and adding some little known strategies to what is often a challenging time in our lives. She instructed us with tips on goal setting for 2015 and beyond.

This was followed by an Open Forum Discussion of various topics displayed on the whiteboard. One topic discussed was how to prepare for an interview.

Schedule for HNG Meetings:

January 2, 2015 Goals / New Year's Resolutions
January 16, 2015 Stephen Martins
February 6, 2014 Review of Goals / New Year's Resolutions of January 2, 2015

General Information 

The networking group meets in Hopkinton, at St. John the Evangelist Church parish hall. The meeting occurs, from 10 to 12 noon, and will meet the first and third Friday of the month. The parish hall has a capacity for 250 people and there is plenty of parking spaces in the parking lot and on the street. Around the perimeter of the parish hall are rooms to allow us to have focused network groups or for any other purpose we need. We chose the first and third Friday to allow everyone to attend the Acton Networking Group or any other networking group, if they wanted, on the Friday we do not meet.

We will maintain our close affiliation with Acton Networkers by using the same list-server to share information between the groups. Any e-mails specific to the Hopkinton Networking Group (HNG) will be indicated in the subject line either by "Hopkinton Networking Group" or "HNG"; this way anyone attending these meetings will know the e-mail is intended for them.

We will follow the following agenda items:
* Welcome
* Landings (with doughnuts)
* Announcements
* New member introductions
* Needs and Leads
* Speaker(s), Workshop, or Focus Group
* Cleanup

For those new members who give their introductions, this is what we would like to know:
* Name
* Skills and Value Statement
* Where have you been?
* Where are you going?
* Your title
* Your target companies
* Geography of search
* Name and e-mail address

If anyone wants to join our team, please let one of us know; we could always use the extra help and input for ideas.


Take Rt. 495 North/South and get off Exit 21A. Go through three traffic lights. Colella's Supermarket is on the right at the third traffic light. The first street after the third traffic light is Church Street, take a right turn. The church is on the right. Go around to the left of the parking lot and go into the side entrance of the parish hall.

Depending upon where you live, perhaps you may want to use Mapquest for a more direct route. The address of the church is:
St. John the Evangelist
20 Church Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748

Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) Coordinators: 
Sheri Ablaza 
Grace Carcich 
Emilia Gordon 
Gil Krispien t 
William Lam 
Ronaldo Lu 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Practical Guide to Landing a Job in Today’s Employment Market

Hello Everyone, 

The agenda for this Friday's Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) meeting will be featured by speaker, Patricia Hunt Sinacole. The facilitator for this week will be Sheri Ablaza. We will devote the first hour to the following agenda: Welcome, Landings, Announcements, New Member Intros, and Needs & Leads. Important Note: Please make a serious, concerted effort to arrive before 10:00 AM. We are going to start the meeting on time at 10:00 AM. In the second hour, Pattie will talk about "A Practical Guide to Landing a Job in Today’s Employment Market." 

A Practical Guide to Landing a Job in Today’s Employment Market

- The use/misuse of social media in a search
- Networking tips
- A job hunter’s elevator speech
- Resume and references
- Job search statistics

Patricia Hunt Sinacole

Patricia Hunt Sinacole is the CEO and Founder of First Beacon Group LLC, a Human Resources (HR) consulting firm that provide HR services to a wide variety of companies. Pattie holds a BA from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and an MBA from Babson. Pattie has 20 years of experience in Human Resources working a wide range of clients. Pattie has served as a Guest Lecturer at Babson College. Pattie has been featured in the Boston Business Journal, the Mass High Tech, and The Boston Globe. Additionally, Pattie is a regular contributor to the Job Doc and Career Makeover columns in the Boston Globe. Pattie also facilitates live career-related chats on

Recap of HNG Meeting of November 7, 2014:

Our 133rd meeting had 29 people, this is 1 less than the previous meeting; 7 signed the New Member list. Gil Krispien was our facilitator. There were 5 introduction speeches. 

We had speakers, Larry Corbin and Brian Levitre, who talked about "Federal Job Search." This was an exceptional talk.

The following points were covered:
- Today's Government
- Federal Hiring Process
- Veteran Friendly
- Office of Personnel Management
- Application Process
- Federal Application
- Forms
- Helpful Resources
- Federal Resume
- Work Experience Tips

Schedule for HNG Meetings:

December 5, 2014 Jeff Beauchaine LinkedIn
December 19, 2014 Open Forum Discussion 

General Information 

The networking group meets in Hopkinton, at St. John the Evangelist Church parish hall. The meeting occurs, from 10 to 12 noon, and will meet the first and third Friday of the month. The parish hall has a capacity for 250 people and there is plenty of parking spaces in the parking lot and on the street. Around the perimeter of the parish hall are rooms to allow us to have focused network groups or for any other purpose we need. We chose the first and third Friday to allow everyone to attend the Acton Networking Group or any other networking group, if they wanted, on the Friday we do not meet.

We will maintain our close affiliation with Acton Networkers by using the same list-server to share information between the groups. Any e-mails specific to the Hopkinton Networking Group (HNG) will be indicated in the subject line either by "Hopkinton Networking Group" or "HNG"; this way anyone attending these meetings will know the e-mail is intended for them.

We will follow the following agenda items:
* Welcome
* Landings (with doughnuts)
* Announcements
* New member introductions
* Needs and Leads
* Speaker(s), Workshop, or Focus Group
* Cleanup

For those new members who give their introductions, this is what we would like to know:
* Name
* Skills and Value Statement
* Where have you been?
* Where are you going?
* Your title
* Your target companies
* Geography of search
* Name and e-mail address

If anyone wants to join our team, please let one of us know; we could always use the extra help and input for ideas.

Take Rt. 495 North/South and get off Exit 21A. Go through three traffic lights. Colella's Supermarket is on the right at the third traffic light. The first street after the third traffic light is Church Street, take a right turn. The church is on the right. Go around to the left of the parking lot and go into the side entrance of the parish hall.

Depending upon where you live, perhaps you may want to use Mapquest for a more direct route. The address of the church is:
St. John the Evangelist
20 Church Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748

Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) Coordinators: 
Sheri Ablaza
Grace Carcich 
Emilia Gordon 
Gil Krispien 
William Lam 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

HNG Meeting November 7, 2014; Agenda: Speakers on "Federal Job Search"

Hello Everyone,

The agenda for this Friday's Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) meeting will be featured by speakers Larry Corbin and Brian Levitre.  The facilitator for this week will be Gil Krispien. We will devote the first hour to the following agenda: Welcome, Landings, Announcements, New Member Intros, and Needs & Leads. Important Note: Please make a serious, concerted effort to arrive before 10:00 AM. We are going to start the meeting on time at 10:00 AM.  In the second hour, Larry and Brian will talk about "Federal Job Search."

This is the second visit by Larry and Brian on this topic, and if you missed the first one, you ought to make sure you hear this one because it is a learning experience how to apply for federal jobs.

Federal Job Search

The following points will be covered:
   - Today's Government
   - Federal Hiring Process
   - Veteran Friendly
   - Office of Personnel Management
   - Application Process
   - Federal Application
   - Forms
   - Helpful Resources
   - Federal Resume
   - Work Experience Tips

Larry Corbin

Retired active duty USAF veteran 1972-1992. Currently, he is the Disabled Veterans Outreach Program coordinator (DVOP) for the Workforce Central Career Center in Milford Massachusetts. He also deals with all issues for veterans to include re-employment and job searching. He has been doing this for 15 years.

Brian Levitre

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Boston, MA

30 year federal employee

Department of Defense-                     1984-1988
Treasury Department-                        1988-2003
Department of Homeland Security-      2003-Present

Currently  a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Program Manager for Recruiting.  His territory is the 6  New England States.  CBP is one of the Department of Homeland Security's largest and most complex components, with a priority mission of keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. It also has a responsibility for securing the border and facilitating lawful international trade and travel while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws and regulations, including immigration and drug laws.

Recap of HNG Meeting of October 17, 2014:

Our 132nd meeting had 30 people,  this is 3 more than the previous meeting; 7 signed the New Member list. William Lam was our facilitator. There were 7 introduction speeches.

One landing:
Paul Green    Started Monday, Oct. 20th, at Planet in Milford as a Senior Accountant. Out 3 months.

We had speaker, Joellyn Schwerdlin, who talked about "How to Dramatically Improve Your Job Search Results in the Next 90 Days."

Schedule for HNG Meetings:
November 21, 2014   Patricia Hunt Sinacole

General Information

The networking group meets in Hopkinton, at St. John the Evangelist Church parish hall. The meeting occurs, from 10 to 12 noon, and will meet the first and third Friday of the month. The parish hall has a capacity for 250 people and there is plenty of parking spaces in the parking lot and on the street. Around the perimeter of the parish hall are rooms to allow us to have focused network groups or for any other purpose we need. We chose the first and third Friday to allow everyone to attend the Acton Networking Group or any other networking group, if they wanted, on the Friday we do not meet.

We will maintain our close affiliation with Acton Networkers by using the same list-server to share information between the groups. Any e-mails specific to the Hopkinton Networking Group (HNG) will be indicated in the subject line either by "Hopkinton Networking Group" or "HNG"; this way anyone attending these meetings will know the e-mail is intended for them.

We will follow the following agenda items:
* Welcome
* Landings (with doughnuts)
* Announcements
* New member introductions
* Needs and Leads
* Speaker(s), Workshop, or Focus Group
* Cleanup

For those new members who give their introductions, this is what we would like to know:
* Name
* Skills and Value Statement
* Where have you been?
* Where are you going?
* Your title
* Your target companies
* Geography of search
* Name and e-mail address

If anyone wants to join our team, please let one of us know; we could always use the extra help and input for ideas.

Take Rt. 495 North/South and get off Exit 21A. Go through three traffic lights. Colella's Supermarket is on the right at the third traffic light. The first street after the third traffic light is Church Street, take a right turn. The church is on the right. Go around to the left of the parking lot and go into the side entrance of the parish hall.

Depending upon where you live, perhaps you may want to use Mapquest for a more direct route. The address of the church is:
St. John the Evangelist
20 Church Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748

Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) Coordinators:
Sheri Ablaza  
Grace Carcich
Emilia Gordon  
Gil Krispien        
William Lam          

Thursday, October 2, 2014

HNG Meeting October 3, 2014; Agenda: Speakers on "10 Things you Should Know About Long Term Investing"

Hello Everyone,

The agenda for this Friday's Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) meeting will be featured by speakers Brian Hawley and Tom Bodine.   The facilitator for this week will be Sheri Ablaza. We will devote the first hour to the following agenda: Welcome, Landings, Announcements, New Member Intros, and Needs & Leads. Important Note: Please make a serious, concerted effort to arrive before 10:00 AM. We are going to start the meeting on time at 10:00 AM In the second hour, Brian and Tom will talk about "10 Things you Should Know About Long Term Investing."

This is the fourth visit by Brian and Tom on this topic, and each time it is a little different, enlightening, and much is learned where and how to place your money.

10 Things you Should Know About Long Term Investing

Whether they do it themselves or have someone do it for them most people have some level of retirement savings to invest. For many people there is a marked difference between what the textbooks would say and what they actually do. In this presentation Brian and Tom will highlight 10 interesting facts about investing that may cause you to question your current approach.

Brian Hawley

Brian is a an advisor at 3D Asset Management. He began his career as an actuary. He became involved in investing, getting his CFA designation in 1986. His presentation is designed to help investors by providing them with basic information available in investing textbooks.

Tom Bodine

Thomas Bodine is an advisor at 3D Asset Management.   Tom has held senior executive positions with Paul Revere, Allmerica Financial, and Conseco Insurance Group. Tom earned a BA in economics from Dartmouth College, as well as Chartered Financial Consultant and Chartered Life Underwriter designations from the American College. He has served as president of the Dartmouth Alumni Club of Central MA.

Recap of HNG Meeting of September 19, 2014:

Our 130th meeting had 42 people,  this is 10 more than the previous meeting; 13 signed the New Member list. Grace Carcich was our facilitator. There were 12 introduction speeches.

One landing:
Cheryl Jones    Started September 29th as Senior Software Engineer at Amadeus in Waltham. Out 7 months.

We had a speaker, Linda Waters, who talked about "Interviewing with Confidence."  She covered the following points:

* How to make sure it's the right job for you
* How to assess the company culture
* Tips to feel less nervous in the interview
* Interview follow- up tips
* How to stay positive during the interview process

Schedule for HNG Meetings:

October 17, 2014      Joellyn Schwerdlin     

General Information

The networking group meets in Hopkinton, at St. John the Evangelist Church parish hall. The meeting occurs, from 10 to 12 noon, and will meet the first and third Friday of the month. The parish hall has a capacity for 250 people and there is plenty of parking spaces in the parking lot and on the street. Around the perimeter of the parish hall are rooms to allow us to have focused network groups or for any other purpose we need. We chose the first and third Friday to allow everyone to attend the Acton Networking Group or any other networking group, if they wanted, on the Friday we do not meet.

We will maintain our close affiliation with Acton Networkers by using the same list-server to share information between the groups. Any e-mails specific to the Hopkinton Networking Group (HNG) will be indicated in the subject line either by "Hopkinton Networking Group" or "HNG"; this way anyone attending these meetings will know the e-mail is intended for them.

We will follow the following agenda items:
* Welcome
* Landings (with doughnuts)
* Announcements
* New member introductions
* Needs and Leads
* Speaker(s), Workshop, or Focus Group
* Cleanup

For those new members who give their introductions, this is what we would like to know:
* Name
* Skills and Value Statement
* Where have you been?
* Where are you going?
* Your title
* Your target companies
* Geography of search
* Name and e-mail address

If anyone wants to join our team, please let one of us know; we could always use the extra help and input for ideas.

Take Rt. 495 North/South and get off Exit 21A. Go through three traffic lights. Colella's Supermarket is on the right at the third traffic light. The first street after the third traffic light is Church Street, take a right turn. The church is on the right. Go around to the left of the parking lot and go into the side entrance of the parish hall.

Depending upon where you live, perhaps you may want to use Mapquest for a more direct route. The address of the church is:
St. John the Evangelist
20 Church Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748

Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) Coordinators:
Sheri Ablaza   
Grace Carcich
Emilia Gordon  
Gil Krispien        
William Lam        

Thursday, September 18, 2014

HNG Meeting September 19, 2014; Agenda: Speaker on "Interviewing with Confidence"

Hello Everyone,

The agenda for this Friday's Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) meeting will be a speaker, Linda Waters.  The facilitator for this week will be Grace Carcich. We will devote the first hour to the following agenda: Welcome, Landings, Announcements, New Member Intros, and Needs & Leads. Important 

Note: Please make a serious, concerted effort to arrive before 10:00 AM. We are going to start the meeting on time at 10:00 AM. 

In the second hour, Linda will talk about "Interviewing with Confidence."

Linda is an exceptional speaker; do not miss this opportunity to hear her presentation.

"Interviewing with Confidence"

* How to make sure it's the right job for you
* How to assess the company culture
* Tips to feel less nervous in the interview
* Interview follow- up tips
* How to stay positive during the interview process

Linda Waters

Linda Waters brings over 20 years of corporate sales and client management experience to her role as President and founder of Back to Business LLC. She is a career consultant, and has a passion for helping people develop the confidence, direction and strategy they need to be successful in their professional lives.

Linda speaks regularly to academic, professional and corporate audiences on career-related topics including networking strategies and professional image. She has enjoyed presenting at the Boston College Center for Work and Family, Ameriprise Financial, Momcorps University in Boston, the Massachusetts Conference for Women, the Back to Business women's workshop event at Gillette Stadium,The Women's Success Network,  Leading Women of Central MA, Northeastern University, and Babson College, among others.

Linda is the recipient of the 2009 ATHENA award, given for business excellence, making an impact on women nationally and internationally, and helping women reach their full potential.

She resides in Franklin, MA with her husband and two children.

Recap of HNG Meeting of September 5, 2014:

Our 129th meeting had 32 people,  this is 9 more than the previous meeting; 5 signed the New Member list. William Lam was our facilitator. There was 3 introduction speeches.

Two landings:
Ken Rubin                  HarborOne Bank Corporate (out one year)
Peter Crepeault           Assistant Town Accountant, Northborough

We had a speaker, Alex Bering, who talked about  "Learn How to Communicate With Neuro-Linguistic Programming"

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) explores the relationship between how we think (Neuro), how we communicate (Linguistic) and our patterns of behavior and emotion (Programming).  By studying and learning NLP, you will become more aware of your impact on others, how to manage and influence your own behavior for optimal results, how to improve and enhance your own interpersonal communication which will lead to building better relationships with others at work and at home.  Whether you are looking to add NLP to your professional career in Business, Education, Therapy, Practices or want to master it for personal reasons, NLP can and will effectively transform the way you think, feel and behave by adopting new, and far more successful, models of human excellence.

Schedule for HNG Meetings:

October 3, 2014          Brian Hawley and Tom Bodine

General Information

The networking group meets in Hopkinton, at St. John the Evangelist Church parish hall. The meeting occurs, from 10 to 12 noon, and will meet the first and third Friday of the month. The parish hall has a capacity for 250 people and there is plenty of parking spaces in the parking lot and on the street. Around the perimeter of the parish hall are rooms to allow us to have focused network groups or for any other purpose we need. We chose the first and third Friday to allow everyone to attend the Acton Networking Group or any other networking group, if they wanted, on the Friday we do not meet.

We will maintain our close affiliation with Acton Networkers by using the same list-server to share information between the groups. Any e-mails specific to the Hopkinton Networking Group (HNG) will be indicated in the subject line either by "Hopkinton Networking Group" or "HNG"; this way anyone attending these meetings will know the e-mail is intended for them.

We will follow the following agenda items:
* Welcome
* Landings (with doughnuts)
* Announcements
* New member introductions
* Needs and Leads
* Speaker(s), Workshop, or Focus Group
* Cleanup

For those new members who give their introductions, this is what we would like to know:
* Name
* Skills and Value Statement
* Where have you been?
* Where are you going?
* Your title
* Your target companies
* Geography of search
* Name and e-mail address

If anyone wants to join our team, please let one of us know; we could always use the extra help and input for ideas.

Take Rt. 495 North/South and get off Exit 21A. Go through three traffic lights. Colella's Supermarket is on the right at the third traffic light. The first street after the third traffic light is Church Street, take a right turn. The church is on the right. Go around to the left of the parking lot and go into the side entrance of the parish hall.

Depending upon where you live, perhaps you may want to use Mapquest for a more direct route. The address of the church is:
St. John the Evangelist
20 Church Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748

Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) Coordinators:
Sheri Ablaza  
Grace Carcich 
Emilia Gordon   
Gil Krispien        
William Lam          
Laura Startzenbach       

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

JSJS 5 - Financial Report

The Job Search Jam Session #5 was a good learning and sharing experience for the 24 folks that participated on Friday.

the session board for JSJS5
the session board for JSJS5

The financial report accounting for the ticket sales and expenses can be viewed in this spreadsheet.

The net proceeds will be donated to St John Evangelist Church in thanks for the use of their wonderful facility.

If there are any questions about the financial report, please feel free to reach out to me (Steve Sherlock).

Those in attendance who provided their email address have been invited to join the LinkedIn group to continue the discussions and networking in that arena.

The organizing committee will likely conduct a survey sometime next year to determine whether to hold the 6th event in this series.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tidbits from the 5th Job Search Jam Sessions

Thank you for participating in the 5th Job Search Jam Sessions.

24 folks came together to learn, network, and share. Sessions were lead by Joanne Dustin, Gil Krispien, Ken Picard, and Steve Sherlock. Judith Herman and one other person (whose name escapes me) stepped up to lead a session. This was a great example of the power held within us brought forth by the unconference format!

Joanne's presentation can be found here:

The financial report will be published here in a couple of days.

Steve Sherlock's "I'm on LinkedIn, now what?" formal presentations can be found here
special shortened version for Rotary Club

Audio version (in two parts) as presented to the Hopkinton Networking Group

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

HNG Meeting September 5, 2014: Agenda: Speaker on "Learn How to Communicate With Neuro-Linguistic Programming"

Hello Everyone,

The agenda for this Friday's Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) meeting will be a speaker, Alex Bering. The facilitator for this week will be Laura Startzenbach. We will devote the second hour to the following agenda: Welcome, Landings, Announcements, New Member Intros, and Needs & Leads. 

Important Note: Please make a serious, concerted effort to arrive before 10:00 AM. We are going to start the meeting on time at 10:00 AM.  

In the first hour, Alex will talk about "Learn How to Communicate With Neuro-Linguistic Programming."

Important Note: The agenda has been revised, i.e., Alex will be speaking at the start of the meeting because he needs to pick-up his business associate at Logan Airport.

Second Important Note:  On September 12th, there will be the fifth version of the Job Search Jam Session. Job Search Jam Sessions #5  will be held in Hopkinton at the

St John Evangelist Parish Center.

The cost of $8.00 you can pay online or at the door. Tickets can be purchased online or reserved so you can pay at the door. (To pay at the door - choose 'Show other payment options.'  Advance registrations are highly encouraged to ensure we have a good count of participants to plan for the food and refreshments).

The schedule will be similar to that held in 2013:

Also, William Lam will conducting a photo session for those who would like their picture taken for LinkedIn or for any other purpose.

Learn How to Communicate With Neuro-Linguistic Programming

What You Will Personally and Professionally Gain From This Program:
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) explores the relationship between how we think (Neuro), how we communicate (Linguistic) and our patterns of behavior and emotion (Programming).  By studying and learning NLP, you will become more aware of your impact on others, how to manage and influence your own behavior for optimal results, how to improve and enhance your own interpersonal communication which will lead to building better relationships with others at work and at home.  Whether you are looking to add NLP to your professional career in Business, Education, Therapy, Practices or want to master it for personal reasons, NLP can and will effectively transform the way you think, feel and behave by adopting new, and far more successful, models of human excellence.

* Recognize the importance of your attitude
* Become more aware of your impact on others
* Increase credibility through your words and behavior
* Think on your feet (and keep your foot out of your mouth)
* Build rapport and relate well with others
* Strengthen your relationships unconsciously and consciously
* Cultivate power and self-confidence, without being intimidating

Alex Bering

Alex (The Y Guy) Bering is an Author, Speaker, Coach for the, Dale Carnegie Training Company. He's a Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP) & a Board Certified Hypnotherapist teaching people how to re-wire their thoughts and re-program their behaviors to create a more compelling future. He provides Consulting, Training & Coaching in 6-Key Areas: Leadership Development, Sales Effectiveness, Presentation Effectiveness, Team Member Engagement, and Eliminating Stress/Fear/Anxiety by mastering your thoughts and emotions.

His background in the corporate and educational world includes 15 years - as a Sales Consultant who built a $2,000,000 book of business for Liberty Mutual in 2005, then created The Y Guy, LLC to teach college weekend workshops: How to Speed Read Human Behavior & How to Master your Emotions while working with Comcast, Cintas, and the Hospitality Industry as a Sales Manager/ Consultant/ Sales Representative. His experience includes management, marketing & sales, research and development while holding an MBA in Entrepreneurship.

Recap of HNG Meeting of August 15, 2014:

Our 128th meeting had 23 people,  this is 4 less than the previous meeting; 4 signed the New Member list. Sheri Ablaza was our facilitator. There was 3 introduction speeches.

We had a speaker, Bill Lippincott, who talked about the "value" one brings for a potential employer.  He also talked about age bias not age discrimination.  He indicated one has to explain how accomplishments were done, and numbers and statistics of what was accomplished in a timeframe.

Schedule for HNG Meetings:

September 5, 2014      Alex Bering    "Learn How to Communicate With Neuro-Linguistic Programming"

September 19, 2014    Linda Waters   

General Information

The networking group meets in Hopkinton, at St. John the Evangelist Church parish hall. The meeting occurs, from 10 to 12 noon, and will meet the first and third Friday of the month. The parish hall has a capacity for 250 people and there is plenty of parking spaces in the parking lot and on the street. Around the perimeter of the parish hall are rooms to allow us to have focused network groups or for any other purpose we need. We chose the first and third Friday to allow everyone to attend the Acton Networking Group or any other networking group, if they wanted, on the Friday we do not meet.

We will maintain our close affiliation with Acton Networkers by using the same list-server to share information between the groups. Any e-mails specific to the Hopkinton Networking Group (HNG) will be indicated in the subject line either by "Hopkinton Networking Group" or "HNG"; this way anyone attending these meetings will know the e-mail is intended for them.

We will follow the following agenda items:
* Welcome
* Landings (with doughnuts)
* Announcements
* New member introductions
* Needs and Leads
* Speaker(s), Workshop, or Focus Group
* Cleanup

For those new members who give their introductions, this is what we would like to know:
* Name
* Skills and Value Statement
* Where have you been?
* Where are you going?
* Your title
* Your target companies
* Geography of search
* Name and e-mail address

If anyone wants to join our team, please let one of us know; we could always use the extra help and input for ideas.

Take Rt. 495 North/South and get off Exit 21A. Go through three traffic lights. Colella's Supermarket is on the right at the third traffic light. The first street after the third traffic light is Church Street, take a right turn. The church is on the right. Go around to the left of the parking lot and go into the side entrance of the parish hall.

Depending upon where you live, perhaps you may want to use Mapquest for a more direct route. The address of the church is:
St. John the Evangelist
20 Church Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748

Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) Coordinators:
Sheri Ablaza  
Grace Carcich 
Emilia Gordon   
Gil Krispien        
William Lam          
Laura Startzenbach