Thursday, March 14, 2013

"How to Identify and Address What the Hiring Manager is REALLY Looking for"

Hello Everyone,
Now that we are in the winter months, if the Hopkinton schools are cancelled on the day of our meeting then we do not meet; however, if there is a delay, then we do meet.  Even if the schools are not closed, if the weather is bad, it is best to stay home then risk an accident.

The agenda for this Friday's Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) meeting will be featured by a speaker, Mick Verran.  The facilitator for this week will be Vincent Rocheleau. We will devote the first hour, from 10 to 11 AM to the following agenda: Welcome, Landings, Announcements, New Member Intros, and Needs & Leads. Please arrive early, so we can make every effort to start on time. In the second hour, Mick will talk about "How to Identify and Address What the Hiring Manager is REALLY Looking for."
To get the most benefit from this session;
Please bring along;
* A job advertisement you’re interested in, to dissect during our session, and
* A couple of copies of your résumé, to see how you do in the 6 Second Résumé Test.
"How to Identify and Address What the Hiring Manager is REALLY Looking for."
Although the position you’re interested in may look like many others, the hiring manager will have a unique picture of the ideal candidate in mind. In this session, we’ll review practical tips on how to:
* Pick out the key requirements of a particular position
* Identify how the hiring manager will differentiate between candidates
* Understand what each person involved in the recruitment process is looking for, and
* Present our candidacy in a way that makes us stand out from the crowd.
* What HR is telling the hiring manager
* What is telling the recruiter
* Uncovering the hiring manager's tie-breaker
* Deciding which 'you' to bring to THIS table
* Passing the 6 Second Resume Test
* Acing each step in the recruitment process
* Getting everyone involved on your side

About Mick Verran
At Digital Equipment Corporation and Avery Dennison, and as a consultant in many industries, he helped leaders improve their organizations and their personal effectiveness, management and leadership skills. He aligns organizations; improves talent management processes; coaches executives; and runs leadership development programs.
Of particular relevance to this session, he has considerable experience …
•       Identifying the skills, knowledge and experience required for success in a particular job,
•       Teaching managers how to assess candidates, and
•       Evaluating the ‘fit’ of individual executives with specific jobs and organizations.
And then there’s what he is learning from his own job search!

You can check out his résumé at, from where you’ll also be able to download Friday’s handout – he will give you the password at the session. 
•  •  
Recap of HNG Meeting of March 1, 2013:
Our 95th meeting of HNG had 45 people, this is 20 more than the previous meeting and three signed the New Member list. Diane Elhilow was our facilitator. There were no introduction speeches to allow more time for the panel discussion.
We had a panel of diverse recruiters whose topic was "How Working with Agencies/Recruiters Can Help you Find a Job."  They represented the following companies:
The Davis Companies (       Matt Lyons, Ashley Wright, and Cailin Fitzpatrick
SaleStart   (                 Michelle Cataldo
Suburban Group  (    Mark Carlson

Schedule for HNG Meetings:

March 15, 2013         Mick Verran    "How to Identify and Address What the Hiring Manager is REALLY Looking for."

General Information:

The networking group meets in Hopkinton, at St. John the Evangelist Church parish hall. The meeting occurs, from 10 to 12 noon, and will meet the first and third Friday of the month. The parish hall has a capacity for 250 people and there is plenty of parking spaces in the parking lot and on the street. Around the perimeter of the parish hall are rooms to allow us to have focused network groups or for any other purpose we need. We chose the first and third Friday to allow everyone to attend the Acton Networking Group or any other networking group, if they wanted, on the Friday we do not meet.

We will maintain our close affiliation with Acton Networkers by using the same list-server to share information between the groups. Any e-mails specific to the Hopkinton Networking Group (HNG) will be indicated in the subject line either by "Hopkinton Networking Group" or "HNG"; this way anyone attending these meetings will know the e-mail is intended for them.

We will follow the following agenda items:
* Welcome
* Landings (with doughnuts)
* Announcements
* New member introductions
* Needs and Leads
* Speaker(s), Workshop, or Focus Group
* Cleanup

For those new members who give their introductions, this is what we would like to know:
* Name
* Skills and Value Statement
* Where have you been?
* Where are you going?
* Your title
* Your target companies
* Geography of search
* Name and e-mail address

If anyone wants to join our team, please let one of us know; we could always use the extra help and input for ideas.

Take Rt. 495 North/South and get off Exit 21A. Go through three traffic lights. Colella's Supermarket is on the right at the third traffic light. The first street after the third traffic light is Church Street, take a right turn. The church is on the right. Go around to the left of the parking lot and go into the side entrance of the parish hall.

Depending upon where you live, perhaps you may want to use Mapquest for a more direct route. The address of the church is:
St. John the Evangelist
20 Church Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748

Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) Coordinators:
Elinor Kerr              elinorkerr@...
Gil Krispien             g.krispien@...
William Lam            wmlam508@...
Barbara McKee        barb6635@...
Vincent Rocheleau   vrocheleau@...
Salpi Sarafian          ssarafian@... 

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