Hi Steve. I want to give you a heads up on a new blog I created.
There's no shortage of sites out there on job search logistics (resumes, interviews, etc.), but not so many about how to navigate the stress and fear that rears its head along the way.
With that in mind, I created Job Search Stress Busters, spotlighting tips and techniques for managing stress while looking for work. Here's the URL:
If you know anyone in the job search, could you forward this? And if you know of any online forums, etc. where you think this might be appropriate and helpful, feel free to post the link. Thanks!
Job Search Branding:
4-session coaching package
Usually $440
Through August 15th: $195
Curt Rosengren
Passion Catalyst (tm)
energized. inspired. engaged.
Want to live an energized life? Want to make a difference?
e-mail: curt@passioncatalyst.com
phone: 206.282.8064
web: www.passioncatalyst.com
blog: www.ripplerevolution.com/blog
There's no shortage of sites out there on job search logistics (resumes, interviews, etc.), but not so many about how to navigate the stress and fear that rears its head along the way.
With that in mind, I created Job Search Stress Busters, spotlighting tips and techniques for managing stress while looking for work. Here's the URL:
If you know anyone in the job search, could you forward this? And if you know of any online forums, etc. where you think this might be appropriate and helpful, feel free to post the link. Thanks!
Job Search Branding:
4-session coaching package
Usually $440
Through August 15th: $195
Curt Rosengren
Passion Catalyst (tm)
energized. inspired. engaged.
Want to live an energized life? Want to make a difference?
e-mail: curt@passioncatalyst.com
phone: 206.282.8064
web: www.passioncatalyst.com
blog: www.ripplerevolution.com/blog